Spike #3
"Everybody Loves Spike"
Written by Brian Lynch
Art by Nicola Zanni
Spike #3 was good.
I love Lynch's writing. It's funny, emotional, smart, and true to the characters. At this point, though, we're almost as the halfway point in the Spike series, and I'm still waiting for an outright epic moment. Lynch delivered the "oh shit" moment early in Angel: After the Fall. In fact, we get two of those moments in the first issue and then another game-changer at the end of the third. With Spike: Asylum, I was wowed from Page One. While I'm consistently laughing while reading Spike, I've yet to be emotionally riveted or outright captivated. I like what's going on in Spike's head, and I hope we get a bit more depth to it. I love the cast. Losing Franco this early on in the series was devastating, but my thoughts are more concentrated on hoping he gets well soon than wishing he were on the book. The art in this issue is mostly good, though it's a bit static, making the action scenes a bit awkward and confusing. I can't wait until Mooney jumps on the book.
But again, I liked it. There is an awesome scene between Betta George and Drusilla that made me laugh out loud, and everything with Groo is wonderful. I just want a bit more emotional weight or tension or anything to heighten the drama at this point. There is a moment between "Jeremy" and Spike that's pretty dramatic, but it's brief. For me, After the Fall was the best story ever told about these characters, and I'm looking forward to when Spike ups the ante and brings the drama to the same level. Not at the expense of the humor, of course, because the funny is a bit part of what makes Spike Spike... but I'm just waiting for a bit more. Fully enjoying what I'm reading, aside from some confusing action scenes due to the art, but waiting for it to be captivating.
Now, don't get me wrong. I loved the first issue and liked the second and the third. I know Brian has amazing, character-altering stuff to throw our way... I just hope that it happens soon. We've got five issues until Spike bows out, and I trust IDW and Brian more than anyone--yep, anyone--to tell a story worthy of the character. I can't wait until I'm able to give an outright glowing review to another Spike issue.
Oh, and Beck is awesome.
I agree, I think this series is taking a little long to get into its stride. Feels like Spike has something to prove, and that's never really been Spike's deal. He's just badass, so badass he's not afraid to admit when he's doing something very unbadassish (yeah, that's now a word) like getting his soul back to make Buffy love him, or parodying Angel from a rooftop (one of my FAVOURITE Spike moments).
Get Ilyria #1! Absolutely fascinating.
I posted a review for Illyria #1 a while back: http://buffyversecomics.blogspot.com/2010/11/angel-38-illyria-1-spike-2.html
Tipton is a friend. He's also one of the best Buffyverse writers out there. With Brian on Spike, Scott on Illyria, and Tisch and Mariah on Angel... really can't beat it.
This blog is dead. Dead, bloated, and stinky.
Aw, thank you Anonymous, I love you too.
Should I take that as confirmation?
Sigh. I'm sounding bitter and nerdy. I just enjoyed your thoughts on the comics, and I was kinda like "saaaaaaaaay whaaaaaaat?" when I learned you weren't interested in finishing reviews of season 8. Granted, you have a life, and you're busy - maybe put up some sort of hiatus notice?
I assure you that my bad attitude comes from a place of appreciation. You know, like an eight-year-old who suddenly doesn't get pudding after dinner.
"Should I take that as confirmation?"
Nope, that wasn't meant as a confirmation. But what I'm gonna say next KINDA is.
"Sigh. I'm sounding bitter and nerdy. I just enjoyed your thoughts on the comics, and I was kinda like "saaaaaaaaay whaaaaaaat?" when I learned you weren't interested in finishing reviews of season 8. Granted, you have a life, and you're busy - maybe put up some sort of hiatus notice?"
Yeah. I appreciate you even reading what I've had to say, so I take your bitterness as a compliment, to be honest. I'm honored that anyone even cares enough to *be* bitter, if you now what I mean. Honestly, it's a time issue (I teach two classes with about 35 students each which is a lot of grading, and I also write my own stuff) and as far as Buffy: Season Eight goes, there's a bit of a conflict of interest. I couldn't really be fair in my Buffy reviews, for a couple of reasons. So I had to stop with those.
"I assure you that my bad attitude comes from a place of appreciation. You know, like an eight-year-old who suddenly doesn't get pudding after dinner."
Yeah. Honestly, I don't have the time to keep up regular reviews any more. I'm going to be doing a few more entries on this site (final looks at ILLYRIA, ANGEL, and SPIKE, as well as a countdown to Angel: Yearbook that will mirror the countdown I had to "After the Fall." I'll close out the site with an interview with Brian Lynch, who has been more kind to this blog than I could've ever expected.
If you dig my reviews, though, I'm going to be posting a weekly column on popmatter.com, which is a gig I'm thrilled to have gotten.
Also, pick up "Angel: Yearbook," because I've got a story in there. I haven't announced that yet, but hey. There it is.
Thanks for reading.
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