Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Angel: Last Night

Hey all. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead. I just finished writing a novel, I'm in talks with a literary agent, I'm writing another novel, I'm directing an independent film (watch the trailer here, shooting wraps next month), and also I have a personal life and a day job... so the constant updates have been tough. I haven't gotten a chance to read some of the most recent comics, but I'll be catching up soon enough. Can't say I'll be able to post in-depth reviews of everything, but here's what I can promise. Every issue of Season Eight as well as every Brian Lynch penned comic will get a review in the ol' classic style.

But now.

Here's an original ANGEL webcomic I wrote a while back. Art by Pablo Praino, colors/letters by Ryan Marshall.

It takes place during ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL #16.

Here's the previously.

As a punishment for Angel's actions in the series finale, Wolfram & Hart has sent Los Angeles to Hell. Gunn has been turned into a vampire, Angel has been made into a human, Connor is dead, and it has been revealed that W&H is keeping Angel alive for nefarious purposes. He is destined to play a role for the bad in the apocalypse, and Wolfram & Hart has to keep him alive in order to do that. This comic takes place right after the climatic moment in AFTER THE FALL #16 when Angel realizes what he has to do. If he gets Gunn to kill him, he ends his timeline. Wolfram & Hart will have to send them back to the last moment Angel was alive in reality, back in the alley, back when Gunn was alive and Angel was a vampire.

This takes place between the moment of Angel's death and when W&H sends them all back to the alley. Click on the links to read.

Oh, and it features a surprise character that we haven't seen in, well...


PAGE ONE: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg128/pshand05/Angel_LastNight_page01.jpg